Scenic Stone is from the Haida Gwaii. It is rhyolite that was fractured and has weathered in from the fractures and produced Liesegang Rings. These are produced by the process of leaching of materials ahead and then deposition of those same materials in layers or rings behind. The result is beautiful scenes and patterns. I had searched for this deposit for many years. A few years ago I met my co-worker along a mainline logging road to start our day. I stepped out of the truck and was standing on a large amount of this material!
A really nice symmetrical piece of Scenic Stone. This material is marketed by another company as Serenity Stone. They create beautiful jewelry and collectors pieces from this material. They have a mineral claim on their site; the material shown on this was found well away from their site along a public logging road.A nice heart-shaped window.Tumbled pieces of Scenic Stone. These were tumbled for just a day or so but the result is a nice smooth surface that is cool to the touch.